WordPress Error 500 when using IP security on htaccess

When I upgraded to the latest php version (Version 7) across all my WordPress sites (which are hosted using bluehost) I encountered a 500 server error when trying to access the WordPress admin page.

It turns out this is because of my htaccess file.

In my htaccess I had the following lines to stop anyone accessing my WordPress Admin if they were outside of my IP address:

Order deny,allow
Deny from all

This stops anyone assessing myWordPress admin unless they are logging in from my IP address. Apparently this is now updated and to do this you now use the following command:

Require IP

I changed this and no more server 500 error!

I’ve just typed this up in case anyone else has the same problem. My new htaccess file sitting in my wordpress/wp-admin folder looks like this:

AuthUserFile /dev/null
 AuthGroupFile /dev/null
 AuthName "Example Access Control"
 AuthType Basic
 Require ip 

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