Huge commentmeta file in wordpress database.

A surprising email:

It has come to our attention that your site is using an excessive amount of MySQL resources on your Bluehost account.

So some looking into it, the wordpress commentmeta SQL table for was 2.7 Gig. Yes 2.7 GB!!!!!

More looking, it’s a bug with Akismet spam filter cleanup.


These two queries fix it.

select count(*) from dbname_commentmeta where meta_key=’akismet_as_submitted’ or meta_key=’akismet_history’ or meta_key=’akismet_rechecking’ or meta_key=’akismet_result’ or meta_key=’akismet_user’ or meta_key=’akismet_user_result’;

delete from dbname_commentmeta where meta_key=’akismet_as_submitted’ or meta_key=’akismet_history’ or  meta_key=’akismet_rechecking’ or meta_key=’akismet_result’ or meta_key=’akismet_user’ or  meta_key=’akismet_user_result’;


Then you need to repair and optimise.

2 thoughts on “Huge commentmeta file in wordpress database.

  1. Hi Wayne,

    I’m a graphic designer who happens to maintain my own WordPress website. I have used your Sliding Door theme for many years and love it for my watercolors. I updated my WP as they suggest in my dashboard, not thinking that it wouldn’t be compatible with your theme but it appears that my updates in the dashboard (local server) are not sticking when I log out and go to the public host view.

    I’ve scoured the Sliding Door Forum phpBB but cannot find anything in 2013 that relates to this. It looks like the theme has no updates since 12/2012. Please help…

    What do I need to do to make my updates work? Can I return to a former version of WordPress?

    Thanks and God bless,

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